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Daunotec 20 mg Injection

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Daunotec 20 mg Injection

International Name : Dauneon

Contains : Dauneon

Manufacturer : Cipla

Form : Injection

Packing : 1 Ampoule

Strength : 20 mg

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Daunotec 20 mg Injection

Dauneon Injection is utilized for Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, Acute lymphocytic leukemia and different conditions. Dauneon Injection contains Daunorubicin as a dynamic fixing. Dauneon Injection works by ceasing the development of tumor cells. Dauneon Injection is utilized for the treatment, control, aversion, and change of the accompanying sicknesses, conditions and side effects:

Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Before utilizing Dauneon Injection, illuminate your specialist about your present rundown of solutions, over the counter items (e.g. vitamins, home grown supplements, and so on.), hypersensitivities, prior sicknesses, and current wellbeing conditions (e.g. pregnancy, up and coming surgery, and so on.). Some wellbeing conditions may make you more helpless to the symptoms of the medication. Take as coordinated by your specialist or take after the bearing imprinted on the item embed. Measurement depends on your condition. Tell your specialist if your condition endures or compounds. Essential guiding focuses are recorded underneath. Both accomplices should take outrageous care to stay away from pregnancy while on treatment

Children under 18 years
Do not give as intramuscular or subcutaneous
Elderly and youngsters
Given just as intravenous imbuement
If you have had, have a progressing or planned radiation treatment or X-beam of the chest territory

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