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Temozolomide 140mg

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Temozolomide 140mg

International Name : Temodar 140mg

Contains : Temozolomida

Manufacturer : Sun Pharma

Form : Capsule

Packing : 14 Capsules

Strength : 140 mg

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Temozolomide 140mg

This prescription is utilized to treat specific kinds of mind malignant growth. Temozolomide has a place with a class of medications known as alkylating specialists. It works by abating or ceasing the development of malignant growth cells.


Peruse the Patient Information Leaflet if accessible from your drug specialist before you begin taking temozolomide and each time you get a refill. In the event that you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.

Accept this medicine by mouth as coordinated by your specialist, more often than not once every day on a treatment plan. Gulp down the cases with a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters). Try not to squash, bite, or open the containers. In the event that you upchuck subsequent to taking your portion, don’t take any more drug. Pause and take your next portion at the normal time. To diminish sickness and spewing, take temozolomide on a vacant stomach or at sleep time. For the best impact, take this drug in the meantime consistently in connection to a feast (for instance, 1 hour prior or 3 hours after a dinner).

The measurements and treatment plan depend on your ailment, tallness, weight, and reaction to treatment. Cautiously pursue your specialist’s bearings for taking this drug. To enable you to recollect, mark your schedule to monitor when to take the following portion.

Your specialist may likewise recommend different drugs, (for example, anti-toxins) to help anticipate disease or reactions. Pursue your specialist’s bearings for taking every one of your drugs.

Try not to expand your portion or utilize this medication more frequently or for longer than endorsed. Your condition won’t improve any quicker, and your danger of genuine symptoms will increment.

On the off chance that the containers are coincidentally opened or harmed, abstain from breathing in the medicine or getting it on your skin. In the event that contact happens, flush the region with water. Since this medication can be consumed through the skin and lungs and may hurt an unborn infant, ladies who are pregnant or who may wind up pregnant ought not deal with this medicine or inhale the residue from the cases.

Side Effects:

Sickness, regurgitating, loss of hunger, mouth injuries, changes in taste, stoppage, tiredness, discombobulation, inconvenience resting, or cerebral pain may happen. Queasiness and retching can be extreme. Sometimes, your specialist may recommend medicine to anticipate or diminish sickness and heaving. Eating a few little suppers, not eating before treatment, or constraining action may help reduce a portion of these impacts. In the event that any of these impacts last or deteriorate, tell your specialist or drug specialist speedily.

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